
Cognex Modbus


from https://support.cognex.com/docs/dmst_616SR2/web/EN/Industrial_Protocols_Manual/Content/Topics/PDF/DMCAP/ModbusTCP.htm?TocPath=Industrial%20Network%20Protocols%7C_____4


Modbus is an application layer protocol. It provides client/server communication between devices connected to different types of buses or networks. Modbus is a request/response protocol, and its services are specified by using function codes.

Modbus TCP provides the Modbus protocol using TCP/IP. System port 502 is reserved for Modbus communication. It uses standard Ethernet hardware and software to exchange I/O data and diagnostics. DataMan provides Modbus TCP server functionality only.

By default, DataMan has the Modbus TCP protocol disabled. The protocol can be enabled in the Setup Tool, via DMCC, or by scanning a configuration code.

NoteIf you have a wireless DataMan reader, see section Industrial Protocols for the Wireless DataMan


The following commands can be used to enable/disable Modbus TCP. The commands can be issued via RS-232 or Telnet connection.

NoteUse a third party Telnet client such as PuTTY to communicate with your DataMan reader.












Reader Configuration Code

Scanning the following reader configuration codes enables/disables Modbus TCP for your corded reader.

NoteYou must reboot the device for the change to take effect.
Enable: Disable: 

Scanning the following reader configuration codes enables/disables Modbus TCP for your DataMan 8000 base station.

NoteYou must reboot the device for the change to take effect.
Enable: Disable: 


Setup Tool

Modbus TCP can be enabled by checking Enabled on the Industrial Protocols pane’s Modbus TCP tab. Make sure to save the new selection by choosing “Save Settings” before disconnecting from the reader.

NoteYou must reboot your reader for the new settings to take effect.

Modbus TCP Handler

Modbus TCP on DataMan is implemented as a server type device. All communication is initiated by the PLC in the form of read and write requests. The PLC acts as a client which actively sends read and write requests.

Getting Started

By default, Modbus TCP is not enabled on the DataMan reader. The protocol must be enabled and the protocol configuration parameters must be set to correctly interact with a PLC. Protocol configuration is accomplished via the DataMan Setup Tool.

In the Setup Tool's Communications application step's Ethernet tab, check Modbus TCP to enable this industrial protocol.

Make sure to save the new selection by clicking the Save Settings button in the upper toolbar before disconnecting from the reader.

NoteThe new settings take effect only after the reader is rebooted.

Network Configuration

The network configuration defines all the information that the DataMan reader needs to establish a connection with a PLC. In most cases the default values may be used and no changes are need.

Host Port502FixedPort number where Modbus TCP can be accessed on this reader.
Max Connections31-6Maximum number of simultaneous Modbus TCP connections.
Idle Timeout (seconds)1201-3600Timeout period after which the Modbus TCP connection will be closed. If no traffic is received on a Modbus TCP connection for this amount of time, the connection will automatically be closed.
String byte swapFalseTrue / FalseString byte swap enable. If set to True, bytes within each register that forms a string will be swapped.
Holding Register Only ModeFalseTrue / FalseHolding Register Only Mode enable. If set to True, all data blocks will be mapped to the Holding Register space.

Data Block Configuration

The data block configuration defines the data that will be exchanged between the DataMan reader and the PLC. Six data blocks are available. Each block has a predefined function.

DataMan only supports Modbus TCP server operation. For standard server operation, only two configuration options exist. By default the ‘Control’ and ‘Status’ data blocks are located in bit address space (Coil and Discrete Input). If needed, one or both of these data blocks may be redefined to exist in register address space (Holding Register and Input Register). All other data block configurations are fixed.

Standard Block Configuration

Block NameAddress SpaceOffsetSchneider Form AddressingQuantity
ControlCoil or Holding Register0

000000 – 000031

400000 – 400001

32, if coil

2, if holding register

StatusDiscrete Input or Input Register0

100000 – 100031

300000 – 300001

32, if discrete input

2, if input register

PLC InputHolding Register2000402000 – 4040041 – 2005
PLC OutputInput Register2000302000 – 3040041 - 2005
Command StringHolding Register1000401000 – 4019991 - 1000
Command String ResultInput Register1000301000 – 3019991 - 1000
NoteThe 6 digit 0-based Schneider representation is used here.

DataMan also supports an alternate block configuration. A number of PLCs can only access the ModbusTCP ‘Holding Register’ address space. The alternate 'Holding Register Only' configuration exists to accommodate these PLCs. In this alternate configuration, all reader input and output data is mapped to the ModbusTCP ‘Holding Register’ address space. To enable this alternate mode, perform one of the following options:

  • Check the “Holding Register Only” box on the ModbusTCP configuration screen.
  • Use the DMCC, which switches on or off the alternate mode (Holding Register Only mode).









  • scan the Reader Programming Codes
    • for the wireless reader
    Enable: Disable: 


    • for the corded reader
    Enable: Disable: 



Holding Register Only” Block Configuration

Block NameAddress SpaceOffsetSchneider Form AddressingQuantity
ControlHolding Register0400000 – 4000012
StatusHolding Register5000405000 – 4050012
PLC InputHolding Register2000402000 – 4040041 – 2005
PLC OutputHolding Register7000407000 – 4090041 – 2005
Command StringHolding Register1000401000 – 4019991 – 1000
Command String ResultHolding Register6000406000 – 4069991 – 1000
NoteThe 6 digit 0-based Schneider representation is used here.


This section describes the interface to the DataMan reader as seen by the PLC via Modbus TCP. The interface model consists of 6 data blocks grouped in 3 logical pairs:

  • Control and Status
  • Input Data and Output Data
  • String Command and String Response

Control Block

The Control block contains bit type data. This block consists of the control signals sent from the PLC to the reader. It is used by the PLC to initiate actions and acknowledge certain data transfers.

Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0
ReservedResults Ack







Bit 15Bit 14Bit 13Bit 12Bit 11Bit 10Bit 9Bit 8
Bit 23Bit 22Bit 21Bit 20Bit 19Bit 18Bit 17Bit 16


String Cmd

Set User


Bit 31Bit 30Bit 29Bit 28Bit 27Bit 26Bit 25Bit 24
SoftEvent 7SoftEvent 6SoftEvent 5SoftEvent 4SoftEvent 3SoftEvent 2SoftEvent 1SoftEvent 0

Control Block Field Descriptions



0Trigger EnableThis field is set to enable triggering via the Trigger bit. Clear this field to disable the network triggering mechanism.
1TriggerSetting this bit triggers an acquisition. Note that the Trigger Ready bit must be set high before triggering an acquisition.
2Buffer Results EnableWhen this bit is set, each read result (ResultIDResultCodeResultLength and ResultData fields) will be held in the Output Block until it is acknowledged. Once acknowledged, the next set of read results will be made available from the buffer. If new read results arrive before the earlier set is acknowledged the new set will be queued in the reader’s buffer. Up to 6 read results can be held in the reader’s buffer. Refer to section Operation for a description of the acknowledgement handshake sequence.
3ResultsAckSet by the PLC to acknowledge that it has received the latest results (ResultIDResultCodeResultLength and ResultData fields). When the reader sees this bit transition from 0à1 it clears the ResultsAvailable bit. This forms a logical handshake between the PLC and reader. If result buffering is enabled, the acknowledgement will cause the next set of queued results to be moved from the buffer. See section Operation for a description of the acknowledgement handshake sequence.
4-15ReservedFuture use
16SetUserDataSet by the PLC to signal that new UserData is available. After reading the new UserData the reader sets SetUserDataAck to signal that the transfer is complete. This forms a logical handshake between the PLC and reader.
17Initiate StringCmdSet by the PLC to signal that a new StringCommand is available. After processing the command, the reader sets StringCmdAck to signal that the command result is available. This forms a logical handshake between the PLC and reader.
18-23ReservedFuture use

Bits act as virtual discrete inputs. When a bit transitions from 0 -> 1 the associated action is executed. After executing the action the reader sets the corresponding SoftEventAck to signal that the action is complete. This forms a logical handshake between the PLC and reader.

Bit0: Train code

Bit1: Train match string

Bit2: Train focus

Bit3: Train brightness

Bit4: Un-Train

Bit5: Reserved (future use)

Bit6: Execute DMCC command

Bit7: Set match string

Status Block

The status block contains bit type data. This block consists of the status signals sent from the reader to the PLC. It is used by the reader to signal status and handshake certain data transfers.

Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0








Bit 15Bit 14Bit 13Bit 12Bit 11Bit 10Bit 9Bit 8

General Fault

ReservedResults Available


Buffer Overrun


Complete Toggle

Bit 23Bit 22Bit 21Bit 20Bit 19Bit 18Bit 17Bit 16

String Cmd


Set User

Data Ack

Bit 31Bit 30Bit 29Bit 28Bit 27Bit 26Bit 25Bit 24


Ack 7

SoftEvent Ack 6SoftEvent Ack 5SoftEvent Ack 4




Ack 2


Ack 1

SoftEvent Ack 0


Status Block Field Descriptions

0Trigger ReadyIndicates when the reader is ready to accept a new Trigger. The reader sets this bit when TriggerEnable has been set and the reader is ready to accept a new trigger.
1TriggerAckIndicates when the reader recognizes that Trigger has been set. This bit will remain set until the Trigger bit has been cleared.


Set to indicate that the reader is in the process of acquiring an image.


3Missed AcqIndicates that the reader missed a requested acquisition trigger. The bit is cleared when the next acquisition is issued.
4-7ReservedFuture use
8DecodingSet to indicate that the reader is in the process of decoding an image.

Decode Complete


Indicates new result data is available. Bit toggles state (0 -> 1 or 1 -> 0) each time new result data becomes available.

Results Buffer


Set to indicate that the reader has discarded a set of read results because the PLC has not acknowledged the earlier results. Cleared when the next set of result data is successfully queued in the buffer. This bit only has meaning if result buffering is enabled.
11Results AvailableSet to indicate that new result data is available. Bit will remain set until acknowledged with ResultsAck even if additional new read results become available.
12-14ReservedFuture use

General Fault

Set to indicate that an Ethernet communications fault has occurred. Currently only used by SoftEvent operations. Bit will remain set until the next successful SoftEvent or until TriggerEnable is set low and then high again.

16Set User Data AckSet to indicate that the reader has received new UserData. Bit will remain set until the corresponding SetUserData bit is cleared. This forms a logical handshake between the PLC and reader.


Cmd Ack

Set to indicate that the reader has completed processing the latest string command and that the command response is available. Bit will remain set until the corresponding InitiateStringCmd bit is cleared. This forms a logical handshake between the PLC and reader.
18-23ReservedFuture use



Set to indicate that the reader has completed the SoftEvent action. Bit will remain set until the corresponding SoftEvent bit is cleared. This forms a logical handshake between the PLC and reader.

Bit0: Ack train code

Bit1: Ack train match string

Bit2: Ack train focus

Bit3: Ack train brightness

Bit4: Ack untrain

Bit5: Reserved (future use)

Bit6: Ack Execute DMCC command

Bit7: Ack set match string


Input Data Block

The Input Data block is sent from the PLC to the reader. The block consists of user defined data that may be used as input to the acquisition/decode operation.

Word 0Word 1Word 2..N
ReservedUser Data LengthUser Data


Input Data Block Field Descriptions

0ReservedFuture use
1User Data LengthNumber of bytes of valid data actually contained in the UserData field.
2..NUser DataUser defined data that may be used as an input to the acquisition/decode.


Output Data Block

The Output Data block is sent from the reader to the PLC. The block consists primarily of read result data.

Word 0Word 1Word 2Word 3Word 4Word 5...n
ReservedTrigger IDResult IDResult CodeResult LengthResult Data


Output Data Block Field Descriptions

0ReservedFuture use
1Trigger IDTrigger identifier. Identifier of the next trigger to be issued. Used to match issued triggers with result data that is received later. This same value will be returned as the ResultID of the corresponding read.
2Result IDResult identifier. This is the value of TriggerID when the corresponding trigger was issued. Used to match up triggers with corresponding result data.
3Result Code

Indicates the success or failure of the read that produced this result set.

Bit0: 1=Read, 0=No read

Bit1: 1=Validated, 0=Not Validated

Bit2: 1=Verified, 0=Not Verified

Bit3: 1=Acquisition trigger overrun

Bit4: 1=Acquisition buffer overrun

Bit5-15: Reserved (future use)


Result Data


Number of bytes of valid data actually in the ResultData field.
5...nResult DataResult data from this acquisition/decode. Formatted as ASCII text with two characters per 16-bit register. No terminating null character.


String Command Block

The String Command block is sent from the PLC to the reader. The block is used to transport string based commands (DMCC) to the reader.

NoteDo not send string commands that change the reader configuration at the same time as reads are being triggered. Changing configuration during acquisition/decode can lead to unpredictable results.
Word 0Word 1...n
LengthString Command


String Command Block Field Descriptions

0LengthNumber of bytes of valid data in the StringCommand field.



ASCII text string containing the command to execute. No null termination required.


String Command Result Block

The String Command Result block is sent from the reader to the PLC. The block is used to transport the response from string based commands (DMCC) to the PLC.

Word 0Word 1Word 2..N



LengthString Command Result


String Command Result Block Field Descriptions

0Result CodeCode value indicating the success or failure of the command. Refer to the Command Reference, available through the Windows Start menu or the DataMan Setup Tool Help menu, for specific values.
1LengthNumber of bytes of valid data in the StringCommand field.




ASCII text string containing the command to execute. No null termination required.



Modbus TCP is a request/response based protocol. All communications are originated from the PLC. The reader acts as server.


To initiate actions or control data transfer, the PLC changes the state of certain bits of the Control block and sends requests to the reader.

After each request, the reader will process changes in state of the bits in the Control block. Some state changes require additional communications with the PLC, such as writing updated acknowledge bit values or reading a new string command. These additional communications are handled automatically by the reader. Other state changes initiate activities such as triggering a read or executing a SoftEvent. The reader performs the requested action and later reports the results.

Typical Sequence Diagram



A number of actions are accomplished by means of a logical handshake between the reader and the PLC (triggering, transferring results, executing SoftEvents, string commands, and so on). This is done to ensure that both sides of a transaction know the state of the operation on the opposite side. Network transmission delays will always introduce a finite time delay in transfer data and signals. Without this handshaking, it is possible that one side of a transaction might not detect a signal state change on the other side. Any operation that has both an initiating signal and corresponding acknowledge signal will use this basic handshake procedure.

The procedure involves a four-way handshake.

  1. Assert signal
  2. Signal acknowledge
  3. De-assert signal
  4. De-assert acknowledge

The requesting device asserts the signal to request an action (set bit 0 -> 1). When the target device detects the signal and the requested operation has completed, it asserts the corresponding acknowledge (set bit 0 -> 1). When the requesting device detects the acknowledge, it de-asserts the original signal (1 -> 0). Finally, when the target device detects the original signal de-asserted, it de-asserts its acknowledge (bit 0 -> 1). To function correctly both sides must see the complete assert/de-assert cycle (0 -> 1 and 1 -> 0). The requesting device should not initiate a subsequent request until the cycle completes.

Acquisition Sequence

DataMan can be triggered to acquire images by several methods. It can be done by setting the Trigger bit or issuing a trigger String Command. It can also be done via DMCC command (Telnet) or hardwired trigger signal. The Trigger bit method will be discussed here.

On startup, TriggerEnable will be False. It must be set to True to enable triggering via the Trigger bit. When the device is ready to accept triggers, the reader will set the TriggerReady bit to True.

While the TriggerReady bit is True, each time the reader detects the Trigger bit change from 0 -> 1, it will initiate a read. The Trigger bit should be held in the new state until that same state value is seen in the TriggerAck bit (this is a necessary handshake to guarantee that the trigger is seen by the reader).

During an acquisition, the TriggerReady bit will be cleared and the Acquiring bit will be set to True. When the acquisition is completed, the Acquiring bit will be cleared. When the device is ready to begin another image acquisition, the TriggerReady bit will again be set to True.

If results buffering is enabled, the reader will allow overlapped acquisition and decoding operations. TriggerReady will be set high after acquisition is complete but while decoding is still in process. This can be used to achieve faster overall trigger rates. If result buffering is not enabled, the TriggerReady bit will remain low until both the acquisition and decode operations have completed.

To force a reset of the trigger mechanism set the TriggerEnable to False until TriggerReady is also set to False. Then, TriggerEnable can be set to True to re-enable acquisition.

As a special case, an acquisition can be cancelled by clearing the Trigger signal before the read operation has completed. This allows for the cancellation of reads in Presentation and Manual mode if no code is in the field of view. To ensure that a read is not unintentionally cancelled, it is advised that the PLC hold the Trigger signal True until both TriggerAck and ResultsAvailable are True (or DecodeComplete toggles state).

Decode / Result Sequence

After an image is acquired, it is decoded. While being decoded, the Decoding bit is set. When the decode operation has completed, the Decoding bit is cleared. The ResultsBufferEnable determines how decode results are handled by the reader.

If ResultsBufferEnable is set to False, then the read results are immediately placed into the Output Data block, ResultsAvailable is set to True and DecodeComplete is toggled.

If ResultsBufferEnable is set to True, the new results are queued in a buffer and DecodeComplete is toggled. The earlier read results remain in the Output Data block until they are acknowledged by the PLC. After the acknowledgment handshake, if there are more results in the queue, the next set of results will be placed in the Output Data block and ResultsAvailable is set to True.


Results Buffering

There is an option to enable a queue for read results. If enabled, this allows a finite number of sets of result data to be queued up until the PLC has time to read them. This is useful to smooth out data flow if the PLC slows down for short periods of time.

Also, if result buffering is enabled the reader will allow overlapped acquisition and decode operations. Depending on the application this can be used to achieve faster overall trigger rates. See the Acquisition Sequence description for further details.

In general, if reads are occurring faster than results can be transferred to the PLC, some data will be lost. The primary difference between buffering or not buffering determines which results get discarded. If buffering is not enabled, the most recent results are kept and the earlier result (which was not read by the PLC quickly enough) is lost. The more recent result will overwrite the earlier result. If buffering is enabled (and the queue becomes full) the most recent results are discarded until room becomes available in the results queue.

NoteIf the queue overflowed and then buffering is disabled, there will be a greater than 1 difference between the TriggerID and ResultID values. This difference represents the number of reads that occurred but could not be queued because the queue was full (number of lost reads equals TriggerID - ResultID - 1). After the next read, the ResultID value returns to the typical operating value of TriggerID - 1.


SoftEvents act as virtual inputs. When the value of a SoftEvent bit changes from 0 to 1, the action associated with the event is executed. When the action completes, the corresponding SoftEventAck bit changes from 0 to 1 to signal completion.

The SoftEvent and SoftEventAck form a logical handshake. After SoftEventAck changes to 1, make sure that the original SoftEvent is set back to 0. When that occurs, SoftEventAck is automatically set back to 0.

NoteDo not execute SoftEvents that change the reader configuration at the same time that reads are being triggered. Changing configuration during acquisition/decode can lead to unpredictable results.

The “ExecuteDMCC” and “SetMatchString” SoftEvent actions require user supplied data. Make sure that this data is written to the UserData and UserDataLength area of the Input Data block prior to invoking the SoftEvent. Only one SoftEvent can be invoked at a time, because both of these SoftEvents depend on the UserData.

String Commands

The DataMan Modbus TCP Protocol implementation includes a String Command feature. This feature allows you to execute string-based DMCCs. The DMCC is sent to the reader through the String Command block. The DMCC result is returned through the String Command Result block. Initiating a command and notification of completion is accomplished by signaling bits in the Control and Status blocks.

To execute a DMCC, the command string is placed in the data field of the String Command block. The command string consists of standard ASCII text. The same command format is used for a serial (RS-232) or Telnet connection. The string does not need to be terminated with a null character. Instead, the length of the string, that is, the number of ASCII characters, is placed in the length field of the String Command block.

After executing the DMCC, the result string is returned in the String Command Result block. Similar to the original command, the result string consists of ASCII characters in the same format as returned through a serial or Telnet connection. Also, there is no terminating null character. Instead, the length of the result is returned in the Command String Result length field. The Command String Result block also contains a numeric result code. This allows you to determine the success or failure of the command without having to parse the text string. The values of the result code are defined in the DMCC documentation, available through the Windows Start menu or the Setup Tool Help menu.

General Fault Indicator

When a communication-related fault occurs, the “GeneralFault” bit changes from 0 to 1. The only fault conditions supported are SoftEvent operations. If a SoftEvent operation fails, the fault bit will be set. The fault bit will remain set until the next successful SoftEvent operation, or until TriggerEnable is set to 0 and then back to 1.



Included with the DataMan Setup Tool installer are two example PLC programs created with CoDeSys v2.3 software. These samples are designed and tested on a Wago 750-841 PLC. These programs demonstrate the DataMan ID readers’ capabilities and proper operation. You can do the same operations by using more advanced features and efficient programming practices with Wago PLCs. The examples try to show different approaches in the techniques used for the communication to the DataMan reader and they are better for demonstration purposes.

NoteAll examples are designed to work only if the “Control” datablock is mapped to the Coil space and the “Status” datablock is mapped to the Discrete Input space.

ApplicationLayer Example

This sample realizes a generic data transfer between the DataMan reader and the PLC. Memory areas of the “Control”, “Status” and “Output Area” are cloned in the PLC and synchronized cyclically, or as needed. Each data area is synchronized with its own instance of “ETHERNETMODBUSMASTER_TCP”. This causes three TCP connections to be open simultaneously. Make sure that the Modbus TCP related setting “Maximum Connections” on the DataMan reader is set to at least 3 for this example to work.


The example application demonstrates the following operations:

  1. Transfer the 32-bit “Control” register data from the PLC to the reader.
  2. Transfer the 32-bit “Status” register data from the reader to the PLC.
  3. Transfer “Output Data” from the reader to the PLC.

All actions are started when there is a connection to the reader.

Transferring “Control” Register Data

All data gets transferred when there is a change in the local PLC data. The local PLC data can be manipulated in the visualization.

NoteNo synchronization is implemented from the reader to the PLC, so the local PLC data can be incorrect after building up the connection or if another Modbus TCP client manipulates the Contol register simultaneously. There is a timeout setting that can lead to a disconnect if you do not manipulate the “Control” register during this timeframe.

Transferring Status Register Data

All data gets transferred cyclically. The poll interval can be specified in the visualization.

Transferring Output Data

All data gets transferred cyclically. The poll interval can be specified in the visualization.

DataManControl Example

This sample shows in a sequential manner the steps to do to achieve one of the functions named in the following subsection. To outline this chronological sequence, “Sequential Function Chart” is used as programming language.


The example application demonstrates the following operations:

  1. Triggering a read
  2. Getting read results
  3. Executing string commands (DMCC)
  4. Executing SoftEvent operations
    1. Train code
    2. Train match string
    3. Train focus
    4. Train brightness
    5. Untrain
    6. Execute DMCC
    7. Set match string

The “Main” program contains variables to invoke each of these operations. The operation is invoked by toggling the control bool directly or from the visualization (red=0, green=1) from 0 to 1. This will invoke the associated subroutine to perform the operation. When the operation 4 is complete, the subroutine will set the control bit back to 0.

Triggering a Read

The example provides a “Continuous Trigger”. As the name implies, enabling the “xTrigger” bit will invoke a continuous series of read operations. Once enabled, the “xTrigger” control bit will remain set until you disable it.

Primarily, the trigger subroutine manages the trigger handshake operation between the PLC and the reader. The control Result Ack and Trigger bits are reset, the Trigger Enable bit is set, the PLC waits for the corresponding TriggerReady status bit from the reader, and the control Trigger bit is set. Refer to a description of handshaking in section Operation.

Getting Read Results

For this example the operation of triggering a read and getting read results was intentionally separated. This is to support the situation where the PLC is not the source of the read trigger. For example, the reader may be configured to use a hardware trigger. In such a case, only the get results subroutine would be needed.

Like the triggering subroutine, the get results subroutine manages the results handshake operation between the PLC and the reader. The routine waits for the ResultsAvailable status bit to become active, it copies the result data to internal storage, and then executes the ResultsAck handshake. Refer to a description of handshaking in section Operation.

The read result consists of a ResultCodeResultLength, and ResultData. Refer to section Output Data Block Field Descriptions for details of the ResultCode values. The ResultLength field indicates how many bytes of actual result data exist in the ResultData field. The subroutine converts this byte length to word length before copying the results to internal storage.

Execute String Commands (DMCC)

The string command feature provides a simple way to invoke DMCCs from the PLC. The command format and command result format is exactly identical to that used for serial or Telnet DMCC operation.

This subroutine copies an example DMCC (||>GET DEVICE.TYPE) to the String Command block and then manages the string command handshake operation between the PLC and the reader to invoke the command and retrieve the command result. Any valid DMCC command may be invoked with this mechanism. Refer to the DataMan Command Reference document available through the Windows Start menu or the Setup Tool Help menu.

Execute SoftEvents

SoftEvents are used to invoke a predefined action. Each SoftEvent is essentially a virtual input signal. Each of the SoftEvent subroutines manages the handshake operation between the PLC and the reader to invoke the predefined action. The associated action is invoked when the SoftEvent bit toggles from 0 to 1. The subroutine then watches for the associated SoftEventAck bit from the reader which signals that the action is complete. For a description of handshaking, see section Operation.

NoteThe “Execute DMCC” and “Set Match String” SoftEvents make use of the Input Data block. The subroutine for these two events copies the relevant data into the User Data fields of the Input Data block and then invokes the User Data subroutine to transfer the data to the reader. Only after the user data is transferred is the actual SoftEvent action invoked. It is required that the user data be transferred before invoking either of these events.
NoteThe “Train Match String” SoftEvent only prepares the training mechanism. The actual training occurs on the next read operation. Therefore, a trigger must be issued following “Train Match String”.

from https://support.cognex.com/docs/designer_430/web/EN/designer/Content/Designer_Topics/Designer_Project/Devices/modbus_overview_clientserver.htm

Modbus Client and Server Devices

Modbus communication systems use Client and Server devices. (also called masters and slaves in other terminology). These clients and servers are represented as Devices in Cognex Designer.

Usually, Modbus Server Devices are measurement devices that measure and store data. On the other hand, Modbus Client Devices are usually supervisory systems used to monitor and control the Modbus Server devices. Modbus Client Devices periodically read (poll) and/or write data on the Modbus Server Devices: as such, communication is always initiated by a Modbus Client Device. It sends commands (Modbus Functions) to a Modbus Server Device which then sends back data as response.

The example below illustrates a deployment where Cognex Designer acts as the Modbus Server . In this case, Cognex Designer runs as a vision system that measures data and provides the measured result to another system (that can be another installation of Cognex Designer).

The example below illustrates a deployment where Cognex Designer acts as the Modbus Client. In this case, Cognex Designer is used to communicate with remote servers to acquire sensor data. Cognex Designer runs on a supervisor computer that periodically polls the sensors and processes and visualizes the data.

NoteCognex Designer project can contain both Modbus Server and Modbus Client devices. As such, it can behave as a Modbus Client and as a Modbus Server simultaneously.

The Modbus TCP frame format used is as follows:

NameLength (bytes)Description
Transaction ID2Used for synchronization between Client and Server messages.
Protocol ID2The value is zero for Modbus TCP.
Length field2The number of remaining bytes in the frame.
Unit identifier1Specifies the server address. The value is 255 if not used.
Function code1The function code that represents the Modbus operation (e.g. Read Coils = 1, Read Discrete Inputs = 2)
Data bytesnData as response or commands, containing the address.

The first four items are the communication overhead of the frame, while the last two items in bold are the payload of the message frame.

from https://www.universal-robots.com/articles/ur/application-installation/using-a-barcode-reader-directly-with-the-robot/


This article describes how to connect a Modbus enabled barcode reader, and use it in a program.

